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Facts That You Should Know Concerning World War 1

It is important that you get to know that Word War 1 was a war that will never be forgotten by so many people due to the effect that they had. It is always vital that you do your search right here and know the article that you can use to get the historical events of world war 1 as that will make it possible for you to be well enlightened and learn a lot concerning this war. The facts that are there concerning World War 1 make the entire historical moment fun. It is important that you get to enlighten yourself with information and below are some important facts concerning World War 1.

First is about short soldiers. In this case, you will notice that short soldiers were enlisted to this fight because more soldiers were needed and it was vital to allow them to serve. These short soldiers were given tasks of coal mining and digging tunnels since their input was highly needed.

There is another fact of liberty cabbage. There were phrasing names for food that was established for different countries and it needed one to have good identification of these foods. The liberty cabbage phrase was highly used to identify the foods that had German names and this was also used during World War 2. This was good when it comes to identification and was highly embraced in the fields.

Another fact is the creation of the US air force. Before World War 1 United States had not a good establishment of air forces and this was made it possible for them to have a strong military. Thus, get to understand that the US air force that is serving to date was created during this period and this has led to increment in the use of air force challenge coins to commemorate this historical event.

It is amazing to realize that the homing pigeons also managed to save soldiers at the period of World War 1. According to the records it’s the Central Forces and Allies that used the homing pigeons during the War and their role were to ensure the messages from the commanders reaches the front line. The communication was great because it managed to save a good number of soldiers.

You need to know about Christmas Truce and here much has been written about German troops. This took place in Christmas of 1914 where about 100,000 troops kept their weapons down and came together to sing Christmas carols and celebrations. Here air force challenge coins were interchanged as presents for Christmas.

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